Modesty Garments and Barriers Applications and Variations
onlineMegan's workshop gives a thorough overview of the preparation, supplies and methods for implementing and applying garments and barrier options for scenes of implied nudity and simulated sex for stage and screen.
Q&A Intimacy Coordination / Intimitätskoordination: Training, Berufsverband, Netzwerk
onlineIn den letzten Monaten haben uns viele Nachrichten erreicht, in [...]
Managing Secondary Traumatisation in Storytelling
onlineLearn more about the types of secondary traumatization which occur in Storytelling and efficient strategies from intimacy coordinators with diverse specialization from around the globe.
Practice saying NO
onlineMaybe you know Mia Schachter from her Instagram "Consent wizardry" - Join this beautiful and important workshop and learn more about the foundation of consent: saying no!
Consideration and Protocols for Working with Children & Minors
onlineIn this two hours onlineclass, we will review steps you can take to help support young performers and their guardians to be prepared for the demands of the set. We also examine what considerations may need to be in place, along with departments you may need to contact. A valuable course to add to your knowledge base.
International Conference for Intimacy Coordination ICIC 2024 BERLIN
sophiensaele BerlinJoin the evolution and be part of the second edition [...]